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The National Bowling Association INC.
The TNBA Motivation
The motivation to join the National Bowling Association is simple and direct...THE CONTINUANCE AND PERPETUATION OF A SYMBOL OF ACHIEVEMENT AND DEDICATION...TNBA membership is a small price to pay when we consider the heritage aspect of TNBA tradition and consider that our status today is the result of foresight and dedication on the part of our founding fathers.
Today, TNBA is a successful operation that has weathered the growing pains that plague most organizations and is in a position to become one of the most viable Black organizations in the world. Consider that TNBA's concept is direct and objective, TNBA pays its way - as does its membership. TNBA only wants what TNBA is entitled to, in terms of today's social and economic climate. From its inception the National Bowling Association has served as a coordinating body dedicated to the principles of SPORTSMANSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and FRIENDSHIP through participation in a program of local and national significance. In order to affect an even more direct impact TNBA must become more involved in the mainstream of American society. The accomplishment of this goal requires extensive programming and increased membership. TNBA is the program...You are the members. As TNBA membership increases TNBA programming will reflect growth in proportion to the increase.
To those who are NOT ABOARD, WE SAY, STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. Become one who reacts through involvement in the shaping, forming and extension of a program geared to the needs of amateur bowlers across the United States.
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